Weekend Reads

March 22, 2013

Karl Rove: Closing the GOP’s Election Data Deficit https://ow.ly/jl4Ot

Digital At 20% Of All Ad Spend, Beginning To Dominate Key Markets https://ow.ly/jichN

How The New York Times, Warby-Parker, Burberry, Sharp, Vodafone and Others Get Creative With Data https://ow.ly/jitCU

Google is launching its version of Evernote. What do you think? https://ow.ly/jgKUk

Pinterest has exploded from less than 1 million users to a whopping 150 million in just 6 months. via @socialmessage https://bit.ly/WKpGkH

Obama Inc.: What businesses want to learn from the president’s campaign https://t.co/oq097DolUH

Meet the Gatekeepers to Twitter and Facebook Data https://ow.ly/jaoj4

The Writer’s Author Rank Cheat Sheet https://ow.ly/jkYEa

Ruffini: Know Thy Enemy: Organizing for Action’s Job Listings https://ow.ly/jkYGY

Weekend Reads

Weekend Reads

5 common social media mistakes. Digital stats & analytics. SEO for video. A good reason not to use text messages. It’s the weekend reads for March 30, 2013.

Weekend Reads

Weekend Reads

R.I.P. Google Reader. How about Google Hangouts? Rand Paul and Twitter reinvent the Filibuster. Here’s a few weekend reads for March 16, 2013.

Daily Report, November 9, 2010

I would suggest bookmarking every article in today's Daily Report because you will want to revisit them. At RootsHQ we are always looking for new...

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