Reading List for October 14, 2010

October 14, 2010

Good afternoon everyone! RootsHQ is all about giving you the online guidance you need to better your advocacy efforts. Today we have some great articles to help you do just that. First, we have some key takeaways from a recent report covering consumers’ online behaviors, consumers’ expectations of a business’ online presence and much more. It’s a must read. Next, Twitter is expanding their advertising platform to small businesses. Definitely something to keep your eye on for campaigns. Finally, we have some tips on how your campaign can utilize Skype.

You can’t afford to not read this: Nothing is more important than understanding your consumer. This report gives you a clear view of what your consumers want you to give them online.

Twitter lets small business in: Twitter recently announced they are working on an advertising product for small businesses. Check out what that means for you.

Don’t be afraid of Skype: Using Skype can be beneficial to your business. Mashable gives you 5 tips for utilizing this up and coming business tool.

Weekend Reads

Weekend Reads

5 common social media mistakes. Digital stats & analytics. SEO for video. A good reason not to use text messages. It’s the weekend reads for March 30, 2013.

Weekend Reads

Weekend Reads

Using data to get creative. Google launches Keep after killing Reader. A cheat sheet for Author Rank. Who is Organizing for Action hiring? Here’s a few weekend reads for March 22, 2013.

Weekend Reads

Weekend Reads

R.I.P. Google Reader. How about Google Hangouts? Rand Paul and Twitter reinvent the Filibuster. Here’s a few weekend reads for March 16, 2013.

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