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‘Shows You What His Priorities Are’: Blake Masters Hits Mark Kelly For Backing Biden’s IRS Buildup

Republican Blake Masters challenged Sen. Mark Kelly (D-AZ) on Thursday over the Democrat’s support for legislation beefing up the IRS with 87,000 more agents while voting against an amendment that would have funded 18,000 more Border Patrol agents. Kelly and Masters faced off in a debate, the first and likely only one in the race …

Arizona Teachers’ Union Push to Overturn School-Choice Expansion Appears to Flop

The teachers’ union-backed campaign to overturn school-choice expansion in Arizona appears to have flopped, according to think tank projections relying on preliminary vote tallies.

Arizona Points the Way to Greater Education Freedom, Governor Says

“In an interview on Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts’ podcast, the two-term Republican governor began a discussion of education policy and school choice in Arizona by acknowledging the problems faced by the nation in K-12 schools.”

Masters Gets More Help After McConnell Dumps AZ Race

“The six-figure ad buy in the Phoenix media market highlights Sen. Mark Kelly’s role in a 50-50 chamber ushering in Joe Biden’s agenda.”

Donor Privacy — and Free Speech — Protected in Supreme Court Victory

The Supreme Court this morning struck down the California Attorney General’s demand that nonprofit advocacy groups turn over confidential information about their donors as the price of exercising the First Amendment freedom of speech.

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